Friday, March 15, 2013

The Liebster Award

"For those new to the blog world, the Liebster award is an honor that gets passed around by new bloggers to other up-and-coming blogs {with about 200 or fewer followers and blogging for 6 months or less}. It’s a great way for us newbies to network and meet other bloggers in the same stage we are"-Meredith at unoriginal mom.

The rules:

*each blogger posts 11 random facts about themselves.

*answer the questions the tagger has set for you.

*choose 11 new bloggers to pass the award/nominate. (I have chosen 2)

*come up with 11 new questions to ask your nominees. (I have come up with 5)

*go to their page and tell them about the award.

(no tag backs)


I was given the award by Megan @


Random Facts:

·         I am 23 years old.

·         I wear contacts.

·         My boyfriend and I have a 19 year old cat named Thomas.

·         My favorite TV show is Modern Family.

·         My favorite movie is Blow.

·         I’m 5’ 0”.

·         I am graduating college in exactly 6 weeks.

·         I am not a morning person.

·         I’m optimistic to a fault.

·         I’m a Taurus.

·         I won’t watch scary movies.


Here are the questions from Megan:

·         Why did you start blogging? It’s something I’ve wanted to do for several months now, but until recently I just didn’t have the courage to do it. I still get a little self-conscious when I write a post, but I’m learning to have more courage and put myself out there.

·         What is your dream job? I want to be a counselor.  I think it would be so rewarding to go to work every day knowing that you’re there to help someone. It will be a long road to get there, but I know I have what it takes.

·         What confuses you most about health/fitness?  I was always healthy as a kid and maintained a healthy weight throughout high school.  When I was 18, I started gaining weight, much more than the expected “freshman 15”.  When I was 21 I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and hypothyroid.  It has made it extremely difficult for me to lose weight.  I also developed some bad eating habits in college.  I had some success here and there dropping a few pounds, but I usually get really frustrated with how slowly it’s happening and give up.  This year I have focused more on being healthy than losing weight. I have cut out a lot of processed foods and eat a lot of chicken and veggies. I haven’t weighed myself, but I feel better. What confuses me most about making healthy choices are food labels, and the difference between “all-natural” and “organic,” which is better, and what they are actually allowed to do to food and still maintain these labels?

·         How would you describe your style? Comfortable! I wear hoodies and sweat pants as often as I can get away with it.  Besides that, I tend to stick to neutral colors.  I’m not very adventurous! This is definitely something I could use help with.

·         What makeup item can you not live without?  My foundation.  I use Estee Lauder Double Wear in Pebble.  It’s the only foundation I’ve ever used that covers the way I need it to, and lasts all day! I have an awful complexion and will pat on a little foundation even on the days I don’t do my make-up.  A good mascara is also a must due to my blonde lashes!


Blogs I am nominating:

1. Girl of 1000 dreams

2. My Beauty Junction


Here are my questions to you lovely ladies:

·         Why did you start blogging?

·         What is the #1 most played song on your iPod (or whatever you use)?

·         What is one of your favorite quotes?

·         If you could meet anyone, who would it be?

·         What is your most used make-up or beauty item?


Thanks for reading this long post! And thank you again to Megan from for nominating me!


  1. Hello, I'm following you back on Pinterest and Google+. I'm looking forward to more posts, and would love to work together on something with you.
    Hope you're having a great weekend!

  2. Thanks so very much for the nomination! I've nominated you for the Creative Blogger Award. Here's the post:

  3. Hahaha when I read "I'm a taurus"...I imagined the car...HAHAHAHAHA
